Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Mr. Jonathan Chua, CFO, Honeywell China visited our campus for a guest lecture on the Chinese economy. Extremely professional in his approach, Mr. Chua gave a very detailed talk on the growth of businesses in China, and the overall success of the development in China. I was amazed by the extent of the Chinese supremacy - be it manufacturing, or R&D. As known to most of us, there was a mention of focus on the growth prospects of Tier II cities in China. Being overwhelmed is still a very subtle way to put it across, because the numbers on the slides were daunting to say the least. China continues growing at an amazing pace, and all this when the growth is in and around the major cities. With a humongous population, and efforts to go to interior (read west) China for further growth - the world order is very much set - with China leading the way all throughout.

I did ask a question (now that is a rare event!) - is there any worry for the business community amongst all this success? His answer was more on the lines of diplomacy for Taiwan, relationship with the Bush government, and similar things - most of it was subtle, and it gave one a feeling that not much can go wrong in such a build up. Yes there are enormous environmental concerns for China, and there is an increasing income gap amongst its populace - but all said and done, it will take some beating for a nation to halt China's progress to the top of the pile!

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