Thursday, March 15, 2007

A tribute to The Better Half of my life

It is just about the right time when I should introduce my adorable sweetheart to my blog. Welcome Lopa, and have a memorable birthday in recent times :-). It has been quite some time since I wanted to jot down a write up about you, but like all good things in life, I guess it all boils down to the timing of events. And what better time than your birthday when you are among your sisters. I wish I could be with you on this occasion, however I will have to manage with listening to your voice only.

The phrase "better half" does not do justice to the extent of influence you have in my life. Much as clay is useless unless moulded into suitable shapes, I wasn't half the man I am without you in my life. This isn't exaggeration - the very fact that I have been able to do my MBA is ONLY because of your motivation. With the best of my efforts, I was not being able to convert anything. My parents, especially my father, always dreamt of big things for me - and I was not doing full justice to their ambitions. Pop you came - and the next thing I know is I had converted my CAT exam finally.

But hang on, this is not just about you motivating me for my career aspirations - this is about your special presence in my life. You were this simple smart girl who had just about all the good qualities one could ever imagine - and the typical flirt that I was, I still could not urge myself to flirt with you. I always thought that would be bad - you earned my respect from the early days itself. And it was not just me who thought it this way - it was the entire department.

Therefore it was an honour when you agreed to come to be the love of my life, it started with adulation and awe - you were this special girl, a diva in her own sense - and I was the idiot who could not possibly get any more lucky. As days passed by, I came to know you more. At times you are like a kid, and I am amazed at the innocence you reflect. And at times you are this over excited girl who loves shopping for her wardrobe! To complement all this, you have shown more maturity than I could anticipate, and have been very adjusting even when I behaved like a jerk.

I feel sorry for myself, how could I possibly hurt you over petty matters? I guess I get insecure - you are too precious for me to loose. But I realize I disguise my jealousy into insecurity and I turn irritable. A bit of jealousy is all right - I will always find other men mean ;-), but I have learnt not to cross your tolerance limits.

The catch is - I was attracted to you because you were this special human being, who has never been on the wrong side of things - ever. Perfection is no more a dream when I think about you - and it makes all other things so very insignificant.

By the way - you have the best dressing sense among ALL the women I have ever seen, and you carry yourself amazingly well in ALL possible occasions. Dearest Lopa - I love you like I never have, you are the prettiest woman in this world, and I adore your persona and your style! Happy Birthday once again :)

P.S - How much over I tried, the date of the post remained 15th of March, but it is already 16th out here in Singapore, and it is today that I posted this. But Blogger follows U.S timings, which means the post seems to be posted on 15th :(


swapnita said...

Ahhh!!! A guy who admits, the girl to be THE Better Half (wink)(wink)

We will wait till one year after the marriage for the second part of this one :-)

Good to read this. Hope you both grow up together, with enough space and enough proximity!!

Anonymous said...

ooops!!! baab re mere tiger!! kya likha hai...very nice.
Listen ! every lady thinks all men are like that, but there are few men who always catch and admit their self created mistakes in front of their partner. There the key's hidden !!!.
let's learn to accept the misatkes ( I agree we get lot of space always from woman and we deny to give a little space to them...that's how most of us are!!).
On this regard...I would say//...the more you get involved the more space you create for your partner.
let me conclude with one example-
listen!!! when two tides of different streams come close to each other( you would have seen at kanyakumari) , the sole intention would be to mix with each other happily and then give a new color( which will be visible to the pilgrims)....but initially if you observe them....a big turbulence will be created...with a prominent noise...later the same noise would vanish and the final presentation of both tides would be one tide and mixed color.
The same principle of creation is applicable to anybody on earth.
God bless both of you.
